"It's Just Pot - What's The Problem?" - The Every Brain Matters Podcast
EVERY BRAIN MATTERS is a non-profit community developed by families negatively impacted by industrialized marijuana.
We reject the false narrative that marijuana is a harmless expression of personal freedom. Based on scientific evidence and personal stories, our position is that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug, and like all drugs of abuse, it can and is destroying lives.
Join us! We’re finding freedom from marijuana and the drug crisis.
*The words marijuana and cannabis are being used interchangeably.
We provide family recovery resources, including support meetings, to help prevent, manage, or recover from a loved one’s harmful cannabis use.
We advocate to protect communities from the predatory practices of the cannabis industry and stop harmful drug policies.
We are a trusted educational resource driven by science and lived experience. Please help us get this poster in every school.
"It's Just Pot - What's The Problem?" - The Every Brain Matters Podcast
Never Heard of Cannabis Psychosis, Kevin ‘Ras’ Rasmussen, Bryn’s Friend -Part 4
On May 28, 2018, in Thousand Oaks, California, Chad O'Melia and Bryn Spejcher were smoking marijuana out of a bong. Bryn became acutely psychotic and stabbed Chad over 100 times, ending his life. Listen to Kevin "Ras" Rasmussen describe his relationship with Bryn, his opinions of the trial, and how he learned about cannabis-induced psychosis.
Listen to Heidi A. Swan and Dr. Christy Brown, the only podcasters and advocates who attended the trial, describe the details of this case.
Press release: Woman Convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter
To learn more about cannabis-induced psychosis(CIP), visit these links:
The Vicious Link Between Marijuana and Violence
Please donate to support our efforts.
List of other violent acts related to cannabis psychosis.