"It's Just Pot - What's The Problem?" - The Every Brain Matters Podcast
EVERY BRAIN MATTERS is a non-profit community developed by families negatively impacted by industrialized marijuana.
We reject the false narrative that marijuana is a harmless expression of personal freedom. Based on scientific evidence and personal stories, our position is that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug, and like all drugs of abuse, it can and is destroying lives.
Join us! We’re finding freedom from marijuana and the drug crisis.
*The words marijuana and cannabis are being used interchangeably.
We provide family recovery resources, including support meetings, to help prevent, manage, or recover from a loved one’s harmful cannabis use.
We advocate to protect communities from the predatory practices of the cannabis industry and stop harmful drug policies.
We are a trusted educational resource driven by science and lived experience. Please help us get this poster in every school.
"It's Just Pot - What's The Problem?" - The Every Brain Matters Podcast
Legal Hemp Products Lead To My Son's Death
The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp products, which legalized CBD. The Hemp industry is converting CBD to variants of THC, like Delta-8 and THC-O. These products are being sold in Gas Stations, Dollar Stores, and Smoke Shops across the nation. They are dangerous, addictive, and just like the THC in the cannabis/marijuana plant they can cause episodes of psychosis and increase the risk for suicide.
To learn more about THC Hemp products:
Download our pamphlet about THC Hemp products and share this with schools, families, medical professionals, and legislators.
Why is The Hemp Industry Making THC Products, Like Delta-8?
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