"It's Just Pot - What's The Problem?" - The Every Brain Matters Podcast
EVERY BRAIN MATTERS is a non-profit community developed by families negatively impacted by industrialized marijuana.
We reject the false narrative that marijuana is a harmless expression of personal freedom. Based on scientific evidence and personal stories, our position is that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug, and like all drugs of abuse, it can and is destroying lives.
Join us! We’re finding freedom from marijuana and the drug crisis.
*The words marijuana and cannabis are being used interchangeably.
We provide family recovery resources, including support meetings, to help prevent, manage, or recover from a loved one’s harmful cannabis use.
We advocate to protect communities from the predatory practices of the cannabis industry and stop harmful drug policies.
We are a trusted educational resource driven by science and lived experience. Please help us get this poster in every school.
"It's Just Pot - What's The Problem?" - The Every Brain Matters Podcast
The Science of Marijuana-Impaired Driving - Marilyn A. Huestis, Ph.D. Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cannabinoid Pharmacotherapies Expertise
Corinne Gasper's daughter was killed by a medical marijuana-impaired driver, listen to this important podcast with Marilyn A. Huestis, Ph.D. Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cannabinoid Pharmacotherapies Expertise, as they discuss the science of marijuana-impaired driving.
Professor Dr. (h.c.) Marilyn A. Huestis recently retired as Chief, Chemistry and Drug Metabolism, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, after 23 years of conducting controlled drug administration studies. Currently, she is Senior Fellow, Institute on Emerging Health Professions, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, Senior Scientific Advisor to PinneyAssociates and President of Huestis & Smith Toxicology, LLC. Her research program focuses on discovering mechanisms of action of cannabinoid agonists and antagonists, effects of in utero drug exposure, oral fluid testing, driving under the influence of drugs, and the neurobiology and pharmacokinetics of novel psychoactive substances leading to 529 peer-reviewed manuscripts. Professor Huestis received a Doctor Honoris Causa from the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Helsinki in Finland in 2010 and received many other important awards in toxicology, clinical chemistry, public safety, drug dependence, and addiction, and scientific research. The journal Clinical Chemistry featured her as an “Inspiring Mind”. She currently serves on the Organization of Scientific Area Committee on Toxicology, World Anti-doping Agency’s Prohibited List Committee, and the National Safety Council’s Alcohol, Drugs and Impairment Division Executive Board. Professor Huestis served on the National Commission on Forensic Sciences. She is past president of the Society of Forensic Toxicologists, past Chair of the Toxicology Section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and past president of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists.
Corinne is director of Jennifer's Messengers, an organization to educate about the dangers of marijuana-drugged driving and to honor her daughter and other people killed by marijuana-impaired driving.
Please join Every Brain Matters to support Jennifer's Messengers and raise awareness about DUID.
Make a donation and receive Jennifer's Messengers Car Kit, as a reminder to drive sober and to bring awareness to marijuana driving dangers.
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